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Belmont Forum 2023 CRAs

Three NEW Collaborative Research Actions in 2023! Details to come on our website and on social media. All CRAs are scheduled to launch in April.     Climate, Environment, & Health II   Focused on understanding the climate, environment, and health pathways to protect and promote ecological, planetary, and human health in the face of [...]

The Belmont Forum held its annual (virtual) plenary 25-27 October 2022.  This event brings together Belmont Forum Members and Partners to engage in discussion on administrative and governance issues, as well as to explore forward looking opportunities for the development of Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Actions (CRAs). This year Belmont Forum was happy to welcome [...]

Following the release of the Belmont Forum External Review that was conducted by Technopolis and Science-Metrix, the Belmont Forum community has come together to consider the report as presented to us and to respond with our thoughts on the way forward. While the review itself was very positive on the role of the Belmont Forum [...]

Belmont Forum would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming scoping workshops, led by Belmont Forum Member the National Research Foundation in South Africa, to help develop/define a new African Regional Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action (CRA) According to the Climate Change Vulnerability Index for 2017, four of the five countries most at [...]

Belmont Forum @SSUNGA77

Belmont Forum is working to foster important conversations around transdisciplinary global environmental change research through the delivery of several upcoming virtual activities and panel discussions at the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly (SSUNGA77) Join us for an interactive Future of Food simulation: Making science work for policy: interactive experience of the “Future [...]

Belmont Forum, JPI Cultural Heritage and JPI Climate would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming scoping workshops to help develop/define the new Belmont Forum CRA: “Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: New Challenges and Perspectives for Research.” Take part in shaping the international research programme on the impact of climate change on cultural  [...]

The Belmont Forum, with the leadership of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is scoping for the development of a Collaborative Research Action (CRA) exploring how we plan, integrate and use our urban clue and green spaces as part of urban sustainability landscapes.  Building on three expert scoping workshops, involving 106 experts including academic researchers [...]

The Migration/Mobility & Global Change Funding Call has been extended to August 12, 2022, 20:00 UTC. 13 funding agencies have come together to provide global support for researchers and stakeholders to work together in a consortium on this topic. Find resources below to learn how consortiums and the individuals within each consortium can be eligible [...]

The Belmont Forum has begun the process of “scoping” the new Pathways to Sustainability II Collaborative Research Action to develop a well-informed Call for Proposals focused on critical issues. Are you an expert in sustainable development research and the Sustainable Development Goals? We want to hear from you! We seek a transdisciplinary perspective involving social [...]

  This Call opens April 11 and closes July 29, 2022 at 20:00 UTC. Find all Call Documents here.    The Belmont Forum has brought together 13 funding partners and 10 M€ to support researchers from around the world to study Integrated Approaches to Human Migration/Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change.  Theme: Successful [...]