
Upcoming Funding Opportunity: Tropical Forests

The Belmont Forum is preparing to launch a new Collaborative Research Action to support transdisciplinary, globally representative research groups that use co-creation and participatory methods to address global environmental changes with a focus on Tropical Forests. 

This upcoming research funding opportunity entitled Tropical Forests (CRA FORESTS 2024) will focus on the challenges faced in tropical forest regions and the interconnected ecosystems that influence them. This CRA is led by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). 

The CRA FORESTS 2024 aims to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions, Amazonia being the largest and most populated. Acknowledging the differences in governance, cultural diversity, and territorial configuration, this CRA spans tropical forests worldwide that face similar challenges. 

Photo by Reiseuhu, Unsplash

Theme and Key Areas:

Proposals submitted to this CRA should encompass elements from at least two of the three areas listed below.

  • AREA 1: Reduce deforestation, and promote sustainable development and locally-led economies
  • AREA 2: Ecosystem Function, Connectivity, and Climate Change Science
  • AREA 3: Environmental Justice and Governance

Capacity Building and Networking Activities

Official call launch: 14 June 2024, SRI Congress – Helsinki, Finland, 11 AM GMT +3. Registration here: 

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) is developing a training program aimed at researchers, policymakers, civil society organizations and community leaders involved in processes of knowledge co-production within tropical forests in the Americas interested in gaining skills in developing transdisciplinary collaborations and grant writing. The program has two phases: 1) an online course that encompasses asynchronous modules and synchronous live sessions; 2) seed grants for transdisciplinary research projects. In addition, the asynchronous part of the training can be taken by anyone outside of the Americas. Stay tuned for more information on the launching of the training.

The IAI and FAPESP expect to co-host informational webinars and networking activities for the call before the closing of the deadline for pre-proposals and full proposals. 

If you are interested in receiving first-hand information for the call opening sign up for our mailing list:


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