This Call opens April 11 and closes July 29, 2022 at 20:00 UTC. Find all Call Documents here.
The Belmont Forum has brought together 13 funding partners and 10 M€ to support researchers from around the world to study Integrated Approaches to Human Migration/Mobility in an Era of Rapid Global Change.
Theme: Successful proposals will focus on illuminating the determinants of migration – why people move, do not move, from and to where and when, and on what time scale, in relation to Global Change processes like environmental and climate change, demographic changes, consumption patterns, energy use, and land-use. Within this theme the following areas are to be considered:
- Area 1 involves developing, sharing, and combining innovative efforts for synthesizing, integrating, and supplementing data and models to better understand complex relationships among the many factors influencing migration/mobility and its relationship to Global Change.
- Area 2 focuses on studying and creating integrative governance and legal and policy frameworks around migration/mobility and Global Change.
- Area 3 focuses on human-centric approaches to studying and integrating data and frameworks on vulnerable communities under a variety of contexts, with perspectives inclusive of the Global South and understudied groups such as women, the elderly, persons with disabilities, Indigenous people, and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Successful proposals must address the Call Theme and deliver on at least two of the three Areas, with cross-cutting linkages across all three Areas encouraged.
Proposals should include a strong and deliberate linkage between the societal and environmental aspects within Global Change to ensure that they meet the Belmont Challenge for international transdisciplinary research by providing knowledge for understanding, mitigating, and adapting to global environmental change. Given the complexity and scope of the challenges, research consortia must be truly transdisciplinary, thus including researchers from: a) social sciences/humanities/economics and b) natural sciences/physical sciences/technology, as well as c) societal partners (i.e. citizens, industry, civil society organizations), using participatory, co-design, co-development and co-implementation approach. Transdisciplinarity of the research consortia and the active input of involved stakeholders (including but not limited to relevant policymakers, regulators, NGOs, communities, or industry) in the research and innovation contents is a key criterion and should be clearly demonstrated in the application.
Eligibility Criteria: To be deemed eligible for this Call, research groups (“Research Consortia”) require three or more Consortium participants, representing at least three different countries, each requesting support from at least three participating funding organizations. Each funding organization’s specific eligibility requirements can be found in their annex for this call on the Belmont Forum Website. Projects are intended to be three years in length, however, individual annexes may provide support for varying lengths of time up to four years. Consortia members can request funding or in-kind support as outlined in each funding agency’s Annex. Additional members may participate in a self-funded capacity if the minimum number of participants from three countries requesting from three funders is met.