
AGENTSAmazonian Governance to Enable Transformations to Sustainability T2S2016
UComNetSus-AfricaBuilding Urban Community Networks for Sustainable Cities in Africa Pathways2020
AirGeoCitizens’ Empowerment through Biomonitoring of Air Quality in Response to Mining, Recycling and Using Georesources Pathways2020
COVPATHCoviability Path, a New Framework to Sustainably Link Mankind and Biosphere Pathways2020
DREAMSDeveloping REsilient African cities and their urban environMent facing the pro-vision of essential urban SDGs Pathways2020
Fish2SustainabilityEnhancing the Contribution of Small-Scale Fisheries to the Sustainable Development Goal Pathways2020
GoSTGovernance of Sociotechnical Transformations T2S2016
SAM ConsortiumGuiding the Pursuit for Sustainability by Co-developing a Sustainable Agriculture Matrix Pathways2020
H2O -- T2S H2O — T2S in Urban Fringe Areas T2S2016
Eco2HealthHealth and Agriculture Sustainability through Interdisciplinary Surveillance and Risk Assessment Platform of Global Emerging Zoonotic Diseases Pathways2020
MistyMigration, Transformation and Sustainability T2S2016
PACPATHPacific Ocean Pathways in Support of Sustainable Development: an Integrated Approach Pathways2020
PREMISSPartnership for Research to Enhance Methodologies In Sustainability Science Pathways2020
SDG-pathfinding SDG-Pathfinding: Co-Creating Pathways for Sustainable Development in Africa Pathways2020
SecTenSusPeaceSecuring Tenure, Sustainable Peace? The Challenges of Localizing Land-Registration in Conflict-Affected Burundi and Eastern DR Congo T2S2016
Gold MattersSustainability Transformations in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining: A Multi-Actor and Trans-Regional Perspective T2S2016
SUSTAINDAMSustainable Management and Planning of Hydropower Generation in West Africa under Climate Change and Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics Pathways2020
RREFloodThe Residual Risk of Extreme Floods: A Challenge for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Pathways2020
IPACSTThe Role of Intellectual Property to Accelerate Sustainability Transitions T2S2016
CON-VIVATowards Convivial Conservation: Governing Human-Wildlife Interactions in the Anthropocene T2S2016
SCARIATowards Sustainable Community-Based Mitigation of Rodent Issues in African Cities Pathways2020
TAPESTRYTransformation as Praxis: Exploring Socially Just and Transdisciplinary Pathways to Sustainability in Marginal Environments T2S2016
T2GSTransformations to Groundwater Sustainability: Joint Learnings from Human-Groundwater Interactions T2S2016
TRUEPATHTRansforming UnsustainablE PATHways in agricultural frontiers: articulating microfinance plus with local institutional change for sustainability in Nicaragua T2S2016
Waterproofing DataWaterproofing Data: Engaging Stakeholders in Sustainable Flood Risk Governance for Urban Resilience T2S2016