
UComNetSus-AfricaBuilding Urban Community Networks for Sustainable Cities in Africa Pathways2020
AirGeoCitizens’ Empowerment through Biomonitoring of Air Quality in Response to Mining, Recycling and Using Georesources Pathways2020
COVPATHCoviability Path, a New Framework to Sustainably Link Mankind and Biosphere Pathways2020
DREAMSDeveloping REsilient African cities and their urban environMent facing the pro-vision of essential urban SDGs Pathways2020
Fish2SustainabilityEnhancing the Contribution of Small-Scale Fisheries to the Sustainable Development Goal Pathways2020
SAM ConsortiumGuiding the Pursuit for Sustainability by Co-developing a Sustainable Agriculture Matrix Pathways2020
Eco2HealthHealth and Agriculture Sustainability through Interdisciplinary Surveillance and Risk Assessment Platform of Global Emerging Zoonotic Diseases Pathways2020
PACPATHPacific Ocean Pathways in Support of Sustainable Development: an Integrated Approach Pathways2020
PREMISSPartnership for Research to Enhance Methodologies In Sustainability Science Pathways2020
SDG-pathfinding SDG-Pathfinding: Co-Creating Pathways for Sustainable Development in Africa Pathways2020
SUSTAINDAMSustainable Management and Planning of Hydropower Generation in West Africa under Climate Change and Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics Pathways2020
RREFloodThe Residual Risk of Extreme Floods: A Challenge for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Pathways2020
SCARIATowards Sustainable Community-Based Mitigation of Rodent Issues in African Cities Pathways2020