
Project Profile: WRENCH

Whispers of Time: Heritage as Narratives of Climate-Change


Principal Investigators: Marco Armiero, iHC - UAB, Spain
Partners: Berrin Balay Tuncer, ODTU, Turkiye
Corrado Chisari, Universite della Campania, Italy
Mustafa Yilmaz, Tugrul Hidromod, Turkiye
Michael Crang, Durham University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Bartolomeo Panto, Durham University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Pietro Paolo Floridia, DRDSG, Italy
Raniero Madonna, Coop4Art, Italy
Gillian Rennie, Durham Castle, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Full Project Title: Whispers of Time: Heritage as Narratives of Climate-Change
Full Call Title: CCH2023: CCH2023- Climate and Cultural Heritage


Project Objective: WRENCH aims to address the effects of climate change on tangible and intangible heritage while widening the mainstream understanding of heritage to include storytelling, narratives, and ephemeral legacies. Even more than ruination, abandonment, or major disruption, it is when it becomes mute, unable to tell any story that heritage is lost forever. WRENCH envisions heritage as both something at risk and something able to tell a story about the risk we are all running. Interpreting heritage as a key ingredient of community identities, WRENCH proposes to shift from a user-driven approach to a living heritage approach, that is, from a consumerist idea of heritage (something to be used by clients) to a citizens' idea of heritage (something to inhabit, co-create, and shape). WRENCH has the twofold goal of (a) developing a transdisciplinary methodology involving environmental sciences, engineering, and humanities to investigate the impact of climate change on tangible and intangible heritage; (b) employing heritage as storytelling tools to enhance awareness of climate change. This transdisciplinary innovative methodology will entail:- Applying advanced generation climate models to carry out data analysis related to climate change, including retrieving historical and future projections of hydro-meteorological variables. - Investigating the effect of extreme environmental conditions on historical materials, and structures by in-situ physical testing, development of rheological models accounting for them and advanced structural modelling. - Assessing the effect of climate change on immaterial heritage by historical methodologies and participatory research. - Developing a holistic framework for the evaluation of climate change on cultural heritage. Objective(b) is based on the capability of heritage to enhance climate change awareness through the use of innovative methods of representation, which will make visible the present and future impacts of extreme climate actions on heritage.
Call Objective: This Call aims to support transdisciplinary and convergent research approaches on cultural heritage and climate change, to foster collaboration among the research community across several regions, and to contribute to knowledge advances and policy change at the global level. Applicants are invited to submit research proposals that address at least one of the three call themes:

1. The Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage;
2. Cultural Heritage as a Resource for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation;
3. Sustainable Solutions for Heritage.




Call Date: 26 April 2023
Project Award Date: