
Project Profile: TSUNAGARI

Trans-System, Unified Approach for Global and Regional Integration of Social-ecological Study toward Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services


Principal Investigators: Masahiro Nakaoka, Hokkaido University, Japan
Partners: Satoshi Ishikawa, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan
Mitsutaku Makino, Fisheries Research Agency Japan, Japan
Hiroya Yamano, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Xiubo Yu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Hou Xiyong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Jon Brodie, James Cook University, Australia
Keiichiro Kanemoto, Kyushu University, Japan
Manfred Lenzen, University of Sydney, Australia
Edgar Hertwich, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Sponsors: Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
National Natural Science Foundation of China, China
Research Council of Norway, Norway


Full Project Title: Trans-System, Unified Approach for Global and Regional Integration of Social-ecological Study toward Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Full Call Title: Biodiversity2014


Project Objective: TSUNAGARI aims to build an international network of researchers to link knowledge to action for the sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Asia. The project consists of 4 main objectives: (1) Establishing methodologies to integrate fine-resolution spatial information of ecosystems to broad-scale database; (2) Examining and understanding scale-dependency in the effects of multiple human-induced drivers on the variability in biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services, and in the decision-making processes of biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services used by societies at various levels; (3) Evaluating the importance of ecosystem connectivity (from forest to marine ecosystems) on the variability and changes in biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services, and investigating its effects on interactions among local communities at different sites within a watershed, and on their decision-making; (4) Developing new indicators and models for scenario analysis to achieve sustainable biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services use based on feedbacks between ecological and socioeconomic sciences using outputs of above-mentioned objectives.
Call Objective: The objective of this call is to stimulate the formation of international networks of scientists and the advancement of the inter- and trans-disciplinary methodologies of scenario-building needed to enhance usefulness of biodiversity scenarios in decision-making.


Regions: Asia
Countries: China, Japan


Call Date: June 9, 2014
Project Award Date: 2014