
Project Profile: SMARTS2

Sustainable Management of Agro-ecological Resources for Tribal Societies 2


Principal Investigators: Catherine Chan-Halbrendt, University of Hawaii, United States
Partners: Brent Sipes, University of Hawaii, United States
Travis Idol, University of Hawaii, United States
Tadayoshi Masuda, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Japan
Pravat Kumar Roul, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, India
Nityananda Dahl, India
Wim Van der Putten, Wageningen University, Plant Sciences, The Netherlands
Steven Gray, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States
Sponsors: Ministry of Earth Sciences, India
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: Sustainable Management of Agro-ecological Resources for Tribal Societies 2
Full Call Title: Food2013


Project Objective: This research will demonstrate how conservation agriculture, technology, and fore-knowledge of climate variation (e.g. water availability) can be integrated with small landholder farmers' existing knowledge and behaviors to increase adaptation to climate change. With better understanding of behavior, SMARTS2 will help facilitate greater adoption of conservation agricultural production systems that are resilient to climate change and provide rural farmers with tools for self-reliance. By understanding how farmer decisions are currently made (through cognitive mapping) and by understanding market conditions and current environmental conditions, this research can help develop community-based farming programs that are less environmentally disruptive than traditional rural agricultural development programs, provide greater real-time feedback of market conditions, and which are sufficient to change behavior that increases environmental stewardship, market stability, and ultimately food security.
Call Objective: This call was designed to increase understanding of the dynamic spatial scale interactions between food security and land use. The focus was on the following topics:

- Land use change impacts on food systems
- Food systems dynamics as driver of land use changes
- Feedback loop interactions between land use change and food security dynamics


Regions: Asia
Countries: India, Nepal


Duration: 18 months
Call Date: 2013
Project Award Date: 2013