
Project Profile: PREREAL

Improving Predictability of Circumboreal Forest Fire Activity and its Ecological and Socio-Economic Impacts through Multi-Proxy Data Comparisons


Principal Investigators: Igor Drobyshev, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Partners: Adam Ali, University of Montpellier II, France
Annika Hofgaard, Norwegian Inst. for Nature Research, Norway
Rui LI, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Peter van Velthoven, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, Netherlands
Yves Bergeron, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Sponsors: National Natural Science Foundation of China
French National Research Agency, France
Research Council of Norway, Norway
Formas, Sweden
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands


Full Project Title: Improving Predictability of Circumboreal Forest Fire Activity and its Ecological and Socio-Economic Impacts through Multi-Proxy Data Comparisons
Full Call Title: Climate2015


Project Objective: PREREAL will identify climatic drivers controlling boreal fire activity and its predictability at monthly, seasonal and annual timescales by relying on analyses of multiple proxies of modern and historic fire activity, and climate-ocean variability. PREREAL will also provide monthly to century-scale predictions of future fire activity and to translate these into impacts on ecosystem services and metrics of socio-economic performance.
Call Objective: This call aims to contribute to the overall challenge of developing climate services with a focus on inter-regional linkages role in climate variability and predictability. Major impediments indeed still exist having efficient climate services at regional and local level, because of little or poorly understood climate processes (in part caused by a paucity of observations), inadequate dissemination of scientific knowledge, conflicts between climatic and non-climatic stressors and lack of action by decision makers and the human society at large. This call aims to contribute to the overall challenge of developing climate services with a focus on inter-regional linkages role in climate variability and predictability. Major impediments indeed still exist having efficient climate services at regional and local level, because of little or poorly understood climate processes (in part caused by a paucity of observations), inadequate dissemination of scientific knowledge, conflicts between climatic and non-climatic stressors and lack of action by decision makers and the human society at large. This call aims to contribute to the overall challenge of developing climate services with a focus on inter-regional linkages role in climate variability and predictability. Major impediments indeed still exist having efficient climate services at regional and local level, because of little or poorly understood climate processes (in part caused by a paucity of observations), inadequate dissemination of scientific knowledge, conflicts between climatic and non-climatic stressors and lack of action by decision makers and the human society at large.




Call Date: April 6, 2015
Project Award Date: 2015