
Project Profile: ABC Telecoupling

Food Security and Land Use: The Telecoupling Challenge


Principal Investigators: Mateus Batistella, Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, United States
Partners: Luiz Martinelli, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Leila Ferreira, University of Campinas, Brazil
Daniel Victoria, Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, Brazil
Edson Bofle, Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, Brazil
Claudio Bragantini, Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, Brazil
Fabiana Barbi, University of Campinas, Brazil
Emilio Moran, Michigan State University, United States
Jianguo Liu, Michigan State University, United States
Jiaguo Qi, Michigan State University, United States
Douglas Buhler, Michigan State University, United States
Charles Godfray, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
James Millington, King's College, London, United Kingdom
Steve Yearley, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Tara Garnett, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Jeremy Woods, Centre for Environmental Policy, United Kingdom
Huajun Tang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Zhiyun Ouyang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Fusuo Zhang, China Agricultural University, China
Ninghui Li, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Lubiao Zhang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Andrew Jarvis, CIAT, Colombia
Kevin Chen, IFPRIA, China
An Liu, FAO China Office, China
Sponsors: São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom
Natural Environment Research Council, United Kingdom
Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: Food Security and Land Use: The Telecoupling Challenge
Full Call Title: Food2013


Project Objective: The objective of ABC Telecoupling is to enhance the capacity to predict effects from shifts in food flows and land use; tools to facilitate policy changes to improve food security, while ensuring a more sustainable environment; increased cooperation among major research and stakeholder groups in major food production and consuming countries; and training a new generation alert to minimizing negative consequences from changes in land use worldwide. The project will provide a comprehensive framework, a complex systems modeling approach and a web-based decision support system to finding solutions that enhance food security for all, while ensuring a sustainable earth.
Call Objective: This call was designed to increase understanding of the dynamic spatial scale interactions between food security and land use. The focus was on the following topics:

- Land use change impacts on food systems
- Food systems dynamics as driver of land use changes
- Feedback loop interactions between land use change and food security dynamics




Call Date: 2013
Project Award Date: 2013