
Project Profile: ECCAP

Ecological Calendars and Climate Adaptation in the Pamirs


Principal Investigators: Karim-Aly Kassam, Cornell University, United States
Partners: Antonio Trabucco, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy
Jianchu Xu, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Cyrus Samimi, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Kachra Ariff, University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan
Sponsors: National Research Council - Department of Earth System Science and Environmental Technologies, Italy
German Research Foundation, Germany
National Natural Science Foundation of China, China
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: Ecological Calendars and Climate Adaptation in the Pamirs
Full Call Title: Mountains2015


Project Objective: ECCAP's research will contribute to the anticipatory capacity of Pamiri communities by revitalizing calendars. The project will provide a proof-of-concept to be applied in mountain societies across the globe, culminating in an international conference on ecological calendars for building community resilience to climate change.
Call Objective: This call aims at fostering research on climate, environmental and related societal change in mountain regions, considering both new measurements, recovery of existing data, and the development and use of integrated modelling strategies by adopting a strong trans- and inter-disciplinary approach.


Regions: Asia
Countries: Afghanistan, China, Tajikistan


Call Date: April 1, 2015
Project Award Date: 2015