
Project Profile: SCENTinel

Climate Changes and Scent Heritage: The Urgent Need for Capturing and Preserving Olfactory Landscapes in a Changing World


Principal Investigators: Idelfonso Nogueira, NTNU, Norway
Partners: Valentina Gamba, VC, Italy
Barbara Zitova, CNR, Italy
Jana Striova, CNR, Italy
Barbara Vodopivec, ZRC SAZU, Slovenia


Full Project Title: Climate Changes and Scent Heritage: The Urgent Need for Capturing and Preserving Olfactory Landscapes in a Changing World
Full Call Title: CCH2023: CCH2023- Climate and Cultural Heritage


Project Objective: As the world grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change, not only are physical landscapes undergoing drastic alterations, but olfactory landscapes? the scents integral to our cultural heritage? areal so endangered. Scents, whether tied to natural environments, rituals, or social customs, serve as potent triggers for emotional and evocative memories. These olfactory experiences are crucial in defining our shared history and collective identity. This project underscores the need to urgently address the climate-induced vulnerabilities affecting our scent heritage. Employing interdisciplinary methods spanning neuroscience, cultural studies, and cutting-edge technology, we aim to create a robust framework for capturing, digitizing, and preserving these imperiled scents. Our Intellectual Property (IP) will provide tools that enable us not just to document but also to reproduce these scents, much like we do with visual and auditory heritage. By focusing on the climate-change-driven threats to our olfactory landscapes, this project serves as a vanguard initiative for holistic cultural preservation, ensuring that future generations have access to this of ten over looked yet invaluable facet of human heritage.
Call Objective: This Call aims to support transdisciplinary and convergent research approaches on cultural heritage and climate change, to foster collaboration among the research community across several regions, and to contribute to knowledge advances and policy change at the global level. Applicants are invited to submit research proposals that address at least one of the three call themes:

1. The Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage;
2. Cultural Heritage as a Resource for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation;
3. Sustainable Solutions for Heritage.




Duration: 36 months
Call Date: 26 April 2023
Project Award Date: