
Project Profile: ASUS

Arctic Sustainability: A Synthesis of Knowledge


Principal Investigators: Andrey Petrov, University of Northern Iowa, United States
Partners: Aileen Espiritu, The Barents Institute, University of Tromsø, Norway
Klaus Georg Hansen, Ilisimatrfik, Greenland
Joan Nymand Larsen, Stefansson Arctic Institute, University of Akureyri, Iceland
Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Nordregio, Sweden
Chris Southcott, Lakehead University, Canada
Tatiana Vlasova, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Sponsors: Nordforsk, Norway
Research Council of Norway, Norway
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russia
National Science Foundation, USA


Full Project Title: Arctic Sustainability: A Synthesis of Knowledge
Full Call Title: Arctic2014


Project Objective: To bridge knowledge gaps, the project will: (1) accomplish knowledge synthesis about Arctic sustainability and sustainable development based on existing case studies and observations made in various Arctic regions; 2) identify interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks providing integrated views of sustainability in the Arctic; identify management and governance practices that are most successful in achieving sustainable development in the Arctic; 4) identify the most suitable monitoring frameworks to measure dynamics towards sustainable development; 5) develop a future research agenda for Arctic sustainability and sustainable development.
Call Objective: Through this Call for Proposals on Arctic Observing and Research for Sustainability, the Belmont Forum seeks to bring together integrated teams of natural scientists, social scientists, and stakeholders to develop projects that utilize existing Arctic observing systems, data sets and models to evaluate key sustainability challenges and opportunities in the Arctic region across one or more of four possible themes.


Regions: Arctic


Duration: 36 months
Call Date: May 1, 2014
Project Award Date: 2014