
Project Profile: INTEGRATE

An Integrated Data-Model Study of Interactions Between Tropical Monsoons and Extra-Tropical Climate Variability and Extremes


Principal Investigators: Timothy Osborn, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Partners: Bao Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Jürg Luterbacher, Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany
Sponsors: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
National Natural Science Foundation of China, China
Natural Environment Research Council, United Kingdom


Full Project Title: An Integrated Data-Model Study of Interactions Between Tropical Monsoons and Extra-Tropical Climate Variability and Extremes
Full Call Title: Climate2015


Project Objective: INTEGRATE will (i) better understand the teleconnections between monsoon and extratropical regions (with particular emphasis on the Arctic), (ii) evaluate the ability of climate models to reproduce observed behaviour including regional extremes, (iii) explore mechanisms that drive the observed behaviour and understand how the linkages may evolve under future climate change using simulations with a hierarchy of models. Paleoclimate records, including temperature sensitive tree-ring records from the Eurasian Arctic and precipitation-sensitive series from the Asian monsoon regions provide a unique opportunity to identify associations on annual to multidecadal timescales.
Call Objective: This call aims to contribute to the overall challenge of developing climate services with a focus on inter-regional linkages role in climate variability and predictability. Major impediments indeed still exist having efficient climate services at regional and local level, because of little or poorly understood climate processes (in part caused by a paucity of observations), inadequate dissemination of scientific knowledge, conflicts between climatic and non-climatic stressors and lack of action by decision makers and the human society at large.




Duration: 48 months
Call Date: April 6, 2015
Project Award Date: 2015