
Project Profile: ABRESO

Abandonment and rebound: Societal views on landscape- and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils


Principal Investigators: Tim White, Pennsylvania State University, United States
Partners: Jerome Gaillardet, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
Takashi Gomi, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Jr-Chuan Huang, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei
Philippe Le Coent, French Geological Survey, France
Antoine Masse, Systèmes d'Information à Références Spatiales, France
William McDowell, University of New Hampshire, United States
Yuichi Onda, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Maddalena Pennisi, National Research Council, Italy
Osamu Saito, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan
Hideaki Shibata, Hokkaido University, Japan
Janet Swim, Pennsylvania State University, United States
Sponsors: French National Research Agency, France
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Taipei
National Research Council, Italy
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: Abandonment and rebound: Societal views on landscape- and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils
Full Call Title: Soils2020


Project Objective: The overarching goal of ABRESO is to develop a global transdisciplinary platform for understanding the impacts of land abandonment on sustainability of soil and water resources. Land abandonment and subsequent land use or land cover change can have profound implications for water resources, as the changing fabric of the Critical Zone (CZ) dictates changes in infiltration, runoff, and the delivery of sediment and nitrogen to groundwater and surface waters. The specific goals of the project, each aligned with a research question, are to 1) describe social and natural forcing functions that drive land abandonment and subsequent land use change; 2) quantify impacts on water quality due to this abandonment; 3) identify gaps in understanding of actual impacts and those perceived by stakeholders such that stakeholder reactions to land use change can be better understood and modeled; and 4) use a modeling framework to assess sustainability of various land use and land abandonment scenarios in the context of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Call Objective: The goal of this CRA is to produce the necessary knowledge and propose solutions to maintain well-functioning soils and groundwater systems in the Critical Zone1, or rehabilitate them where degraded, through:

1. Better understanding of the long- and shorter-time dynamics and functions of soils and groundwater, impacts from societal (including economics) decisions, integrative management practices, public policies, and how these systems have been transformed; and,

2. Providing avenues, pathways, and narratives toward transformation of management practices of the whole soil and groundwater systems through a fundamental shift of socio-economic actors’ practices and related-decisions making processes.


Regions: Asia, Europe, North America
Countries: Chinese Taipei, France, Italy, Japan, United States of America (USA)


Duration: 36 months
Call Date: 2020
Project Award Date: 2021