
Project Profile: ClimateWise

Climate-Smart Watershed Investments in the Montane Tropics of South America


Principal Investigators: Kate Brauman, University of Minnesota, United States
Partners: Alexandra Ponette-Gonzalez, University of North Texas, United States
Humberto Rocha, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Martina Flörke, University of Kassel, Germany
Sponsors: São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil
German Research Foundation, Germany
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: Climate-Smart Watershed Investments in the Montane Tropics of South America
Full Call Title: Mountains2015


Project Objective: ClimateWIse will evaluate whether Investments in Watershed Services (IWS) successfully deliver water services now and if they will continue to be effective in a changing climate. In doing so, the research will inform broad questions about the hydrologic impacts of land-use and climate change in tropical montane South America.
Call Objective: This call aims at fostering research on climate, environmental and related societal change in mountain regions, considering both new measurements, recovery of existing data, and the development and use of integrated modelling strategies by adopting a strong trans- and inter-disciplinary approach.


Regions: South America


Duration: 45 months
Call Date: April 1, 2015
Project Award Date: 2015