
Open Data and Open Science: A New Initiative

Open Data Visual - Source: [Author Unknown]. [Title Unknown]. Digital Image. Erica Key LinkedIn Page, [Date Published Unknown]

In his new blog, Open Data and Open Science, Dr. Robert Gurney of the University of Reading and the Belmont Forum e-Infrastructure Secretariat details new opportunities for input to the evolving datascape.  This online forum provides an interactive platform for data scientists, users, students, and stakeholders to engage in the developing activities of the Belmont Forum e-Infrastructure.  Efforts are already underway to support a unified data policy, data science training and awareness, and sharing of use cases and best practices for practical, informed advancements in data management.

We invite you to follow Dr. Gurney’s blog and become part of this global data initiative.

Note: This post originally appeared on appeared on Belmont Forum Secretariat Executive Director Erica Key’s Linkedin blog.