
Comments requested on: PROVIA Guidance on Assessing Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (VIA)

One of PROVIA’s four initial activities is the revision of guidance on assessing vulnerability, impacts and adaptation to climate change.  The first sets of such guides were published by the IPCC and UNEP in 1994 and 1996 respectively, and these are now in need of substantial updating. The first draft of the PROVIA Guidance on Assessing Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (VIA), written by the author team lead by Richard Klein at Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), now available for expert review, and I am writing to invite your comment on it.  The review period closes on June 30th. The draft is based on an outline that was agreed on at a workshop with authors and reviewers in Stockholm in October of 2011, which was available for comment on the PROVIA website between January and March of 2012.  We would especially welcome suggestions for case studies and examples, especially from developing countries.

The draft document, and instructions on the review process, can be found on the PROVIA web site.

See the original letter from the PROVIA Chair here.