
Belmont Forum @SSUNGA77

Belmont Forum is working to foster important conversations around transdisciplinary global environmental change research through the delivery of several upcoming virtual activities and panel discussions at the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly (SSUNGA77)

Join us for an interactive Future of Food simulation:

Making science work for policy: interactive experience of the “Future of Food” Social simulation 23 September 2022, 9-11 EST in collaboration with our partners at the Centre for Systems Solutions (CRS).

…and for other conversations as we explore with partners and friends discussions in areas including different ways of engaging at the science-policy interface, funding and fostering transdisciplinary research, and explore scientific dialogues supporting the participation of indigenous people, youth and women in the context of Climate Change:

Funding Transdisciplinary Research in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs)/ Global South – Legitimacy, Empowerment and Societal Impact 15 September 2022, 08:00-09:30 EST

Navigating complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity: new forms of science-policy interface.  27 September 2022, 9-10 EST

Fostering transcontinental and intercontinental science collaboration – Convened by the Inter-American institute for Global Change Research (IAI) 15 September 2022, 10:00-11:30 EST

Advancing Inter-scientific dialogue for the participation of indigenous peoples, youth and women in the context of the climate crisis 14 September 2022, 14:00-16:00 EST