Climate Services aim at providing more reliable climate information for the near future (months to decades) relevant for local and regional users. Within this broad context, variability of polar and tropical systems affects a large proportion of the world population. This call aimed to contribute to the overall challenge of developing climate services with a focus on inter-regional linkages role in climate variability and predictability. Eight multi-national projects have been selected for funding through this call.
The grants support inter- and trans-disciplinary research related to three topics:
1) Understanding past and current variability and trends of regional extremes
2) Predictability and prediction skills for near‐future variability and trends of regional extremes
3) Co‐construction of near term forecast products with users.
The successful projects involve researchers from Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom, with additional collaborators from Canada.
The Call Program Office is pleased to announce awards to the following projects:
BITMAP: Better understanding of Interregional Teleconnections for prediction in the Monsoon And Poles
CLIMAX: Climate Services Through Knowledge Co-Production: A Euro-South American Initiative For Strengthening Societal Adaptation Response to Extreme Events
GOTHAM: Globally Observed Teleconnections and their role and representation in Hierarchies of Atmospheric Models
HIWAVES3: High Impact Weather Events in EurAsia Selected, Simulated and Storified
INTEGRATE: An integrated data-model study of interactions between tropical monsoons and extra-tropical climate variability and extremes
InterDec: The potential of seasonal-to-decadal-scale inter-regional linkages to advance climate predictions
PACMEDY: PAlaeo-Constraints on Monsoon Evolution and Dynamics
PREREAL: Improving PREdictability of circumboREAL forest fire activity and its ecological and socio-economic impacts through multi-proxy data comparisons