On the 28th and 29th of July, a scoping workshop entitled “Local Engagement and Co-production of Knowledge for the Amazon and Tropical Forests” took place in Leticia, Colombia. The meeting had the aim of enriching the scoping process of the Collaborative Research Action (CRA) on Amazon and Tropical Forests (ATF) in order to make it transdisciplinary, solution-oriented and societally-policy relevant.
Therefore, different societal actors: academics, civil society leaders, local government officials, regional international organizations, funders, representatives of small producers, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities leaders from the Amazon region gathered together to jointly identify research needs and pathways to co-develop the Collaborative Research Action (CRA) on Amazon and Tropical Forests (ATF).
This meeting was organized under the leadership of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) and the São Paulo Research Foundation from Brazil (FAPESP) under the umbrella of the Belmont Forum, in collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Biological Resources Research, the SINCHI Institute for Biological Resources Research, and the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA).
The participants recognized and identified common challenges for the Amazonian countries to be addressed through the new Belmont Forum CRA Amazonia and Tropical Forests, as well as opportunities to develop a transdisciplinary process for the development of the call and its implementation.
If you would like to get involved in the scoping process and further find more information HERE and sign up for our mailing list.