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The workshop will address these risks and assess the vulnerability of Asian Coastal Cities to climate change. Co-organized by SEA-START and The East-West Center, and sponsored by APN, the workshop will be held from August 23rd to September 1st 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Risk II Conference Stock Image - Source: [Author Unknown]. [Title Unknown]. Digital Image. [Source Unknown], [Date Published Unknown]

Conference organizers are now accepting abstracts for paper presentations for the second international conference on Cities at Risk: Building Adaptive Capacities for Managing Climate Change Risks in Asian Coastal Cities (CAR II). The conference, to be held 11-13 April 2011 in Taipei, Chinese Taipei, is part of the ongoing multi-year effort titled Cities at Risk(CAR), which aims to reduce risks and vulnerabilities of Asian coastal cities brought on by climate change and urban growth.

The 2012 International Planet Under Pressure conference will provide a comprehensive update of the pressure planet Earth is now under. The conference will discuss solutions at all scales to move societies on to a sustainable pathway. It will provide scientific leadership towards the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Rio+20.

The Grand Challenges

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is spearheading a consultation process in cooperation with the International Social Science Council (ISSC) to engage the scientific community to explore options and propose implementation steps for a holistic strategy on Earth system research. The overarching goal of the visioning process is: to engage the scientific community to explore options and propose steps to implement a holistic strategy for Earth system research. This strategy will both encourage scientific innovation and address policy needs.

The International Bureau provides financial support to German universities, research institutes and small and medium-sized enterprises for cooperation in science and research with partners from selected countries and for work in particular scientific and technical fields. This support is intended to help fund exploratory activities and the preparation of projects. Feasibility studies and pilot investigations may be funded as well. Applicants for funding should take note of country-specific thematic orientations and specific funding initiatives.